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National Akademy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, International Relations Department of Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli


Belief has served as an integral part of human life and society since ancient times. Its essence and reasons are explained in different ways. Reflecting upon his issue the ancient philosophers had also put forward the various assumptions. As is evident, agaid and belief are major focus of interest in every religion as a principal question. A basis of the disagreement and differences between the different religions and agaid is connected to the issues of belief. The issue of belief and its principles are studied not only in theology, but also in the sciences like philosophy, sociology and psychology. As religion and agaid is a phenomena specific for human nature, his spiritual world and essence. When it comes to Islam the issue of belief has drawn attention as a key topic, probably the most key topic with which the various groups have treated from its initial stages. This topic has kept its urgency over the course of Islamic history. There are hundreds of addressed and unaddressed manuscripts in Turkish, Arabic and Persian on the Islam belief in the treasure of The Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. There are the valuable works among them on the agaid of Islam as well as about belief of the different agaid.


Islam, Figh law, belief, Kalam, Tasawwuf, agaid.

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