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Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey


The research of the Russian issue in academic level has a great importance. The Putin-term Russian economy is in advance, and it reminds of the great economy of the old Soviet Union. For that reason, Putin was given the nickname of the new Russian Tsar. Putin is well-liked by the Russian citizens; as a person he is liked by a vast majority of the Russian population. Putin is indepted his great personality both to the successes achived from the Chechen War and to the numerous successes he has achieved in the economic stabilization since he undertook the management of Russia. It is true that today Russia has no enough political and economical power to maintain the bipolar world as Russia has an economy of smaller than the one-tenth of the US economy. Nonetheless, Russia is still the second super power of the world as she has nuclear weapons and more than 20 satellites in the space. Russia, today, is a self-sufficient country in having the technology of launching her own satellites, and the very first inventors of the rocket technology are Russians. Today, Turkey has a lot to learn from Russia. Putin has been able to attract foreign capital. The removal of the bureaucratic obstacles affecting the foreigners can be an example to this. Today, Turkey chooses the way of selling of the lands to attract the foreign capital. I think the selling of the lands is not a sensible policy to attract foreign capital, and if the Russian model is adopted more efficient results can be obtained.


Russian Federation, geography and history of Russia, geo political history of Russia, economics of the Russian Federation

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