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The contribution focuses on the notion solidarity in the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), noting examples of deficits and lack of solidarity in practice, with a particular emphasis on the events in the course of and following the mass arrival of migrants to Europe since 2014. It analyses the possibilities to invoke solidarity in the present system (such as the early-warning mechanism as part of the Dublin system, the Temporary Protection Directive and provisional measures in situations of emergency based on Article 78 (3) TFEU). In order to illustrate what would be required to improve solidarity in practice, the term solidarity is interpreted. Though the notion is frequently used, it is neither defined in public international law treaties, nor in EU law. The interpretation of the word solidarity shows that it means working together, sharing responsibilities and duties, and also comprises that positive effects of actions based on solidarity are shared in the community. It is a value, a concept and a legal principle, which requires acting together in order to reach common aims. The contribution continues with an analysis of the possibilities to invoke solidarity in the reform of the CEAS.


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