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Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, Maharashtra 442102, India


The semi-nomadic Bedouins of Negev have undergone a transition to modernization. But due to political reasons many of them still live in unrecognized localities in the state of Israel. They suffer from number of diseases and have a high IMR (infant mortality rate) as compared to Jewish population. This review article aims at discussing different strategies that may be implemented for improving IMR among the Bedouins. Increasing literacy-rate among Bedouin women along with launching newer measures like trained female Bedouin health volunteers, community health-clinics and home-based newborn care may help in reducing IMR. Congenital anomaly among newborns is mostly due to consanguinity. Malnutrition, anemia and accidents were the other important reasons for child mortality. Unrecognized Bedouin habitats are not having the basic amenities for daily living. Poverty does not allow them to spend much on health. Dedicated inter-sectorial coordination and launching newer health programs for Bedouin children may help improve the IMR.


Bedouin, Infant mortality, Negev, newer strategies.

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