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Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan


The safety, security, and development of a country depend on National Power Elements or factors classified by political scientists on geographical sources. These factors are the capability and capacity of a country to achieve its development aims and objectives such as population and poverty, enough electricity, climate change, availability of water, food production, adequate health facilities, and industrial capacity. The national power elements are interdependent and same of every developed and developing nation, except one or two elements depending on geographical location and population of that country. To strengthen these capability and capacity factors, in 2000 United Nation introduced eight millennium development goals mainly emphasizing on reduction of poverty level up to 50% by 2015. Pakistan was able to work on only three of the indicators out of 169 but was unable to achieve any significant progress. On ending of 15 years’ time UN again in 2015 introduced more universal and executable 17 sustainable development goals to be accomplished by 2030. Science was recognized as one of the tools to achieve these SDGs. Scientific and industrial development along with technology are an effective source of economic development. Technology as an application of science for the welfare of human being and technological capacity for development of economic infrastructure development is the most powerful national power element. Technology such as Nuclear Technology is one of the best, which is an accurate and advanced and can be adopted to achieve these goals. Article will discuss Nuclear Technology application on SDGs on which Pakistan is already working since 1956 and has an expertise and trained manpower for achieving nine out of these 17 sustainable goals by applying Nuclear Technology.


development, goals, nuclear, Pakistan, sustainable, techniques

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