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Hellenic Air Force Academy, Dekeleia, Greece


In the acquisition of a second language, the learner feels motivated to create verbal exchanges in order to build relationships with his/her partners but especially το grow discursive and formative skills at the same time. Under this aspect, we’re going to investigate, firstly, what the role of creativity is in interactions in the language class. On the other hand, the adoption of creative interaction techniques allows the group to take a new look in the face of its learning (apprenticeship), to better manage its potential. Finally, it would be interesting to propose the realization of a project of creative communication, to re-explore creativity in problem solving through the techniques of the game, giving more importance to the performance of more or less complex tasks and the development of the project in a holistic and action-oriented approach.


strategies of creative interaction, discursive and formative skills, realization of a project of creative communication, holistic approach and action-oriented approach

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