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School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China, Beijing, P. R. China


Based on the core and CSSCI source documents from CNKI and American Web of Science’s literature on ecoliterature as data source, this paper carries on CiteSpace visualization mapping analysis of Chinese and foreign ecoliterature study of the recent 20 years. By analyzing the lead author, research institute, high frequency keywords, highly cited literature etc., this paper discovers the core topics, research hotspots and frontiers in recent years and the new forms of ecoliterature, the change of international frontier, the new opportunities of ecoliterature research are found. The paper presents a direct view of the study on ecoliterature both in China and abroad. In the end, this paper offers guiding and expectation to Chinese scholars with regard to future research. 


CiteSpace, visualization analysis, ecological literature research, hot research topic, frontier

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