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Department of Neurosciences, University of Modena, Tresana 54012, Italy


For over thirty years I have been researching the origins of language by means of an original and innovative metod. If it consists of considering oral articulation, which produce phonetic sounds as informative gestures and expressions of a visible-expressive code, that precedes the use of phonetic codes. The meaning expressed through each of these articulate-oral gestures was identified through research-responses by two select sample groups of psychotic subjects, chosen because of their greater permeable accessibility to the collective unconscious. In this sense the application of phonetic sounds, that is “words”, is no more than representative or substitutes of the use of pre-articulate oral-facial gestures, used by pre-sapiens to express their informative intentions. Using this method I have published three books, which analyzed precisely and systematically the inter-relationships between consonants in words of Info-european origin—that is the roots of these words—discovering that words sharing common root-consonants do indeed express part or all of their meaning in correspondence with the original meanings of their gestural archetype. The projection into objects of these pre-articulate gestural meanings denotes them by means of mediators’ metaphors and analogies, this is appearing to be the fundamental reason for the variety of languages, since diverse peoples will use different psychic Freudian puns and methaphors, for the projection to similar object. I have examined over twenty languages, in relation to this generalized cultural code model, founded on biological reactivity to conditions in reality to advantage given its extensive informative use.


Language origin, cultural evolution, Darwinism, linguistic, psychoanalysis, human gestures.

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