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Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA
University of Southern Mississippi, Mississippi, USA


The paper attempts to bring out concerns pertaining to the rise in Korean children’s over-usage of digital games, which may be harmful in many ways and is a result of increased academic pressure and high-speed Internet availability. This article focuses on school-age Korean children’s addiction to computer games and the catastrophic effects it has on children. We distinguish between Internet addiction and computer game addiction, and discuss the characteristics of harmful computer games. We also explain how the extensive and excessive use of high-speed Internet increases addiction and how Korean children use computer games as a stress relieving mechanism. Additionally, we discuss the types of children who are most susceptible, as well as the dangerous consequences of addiction. Finally, we explore the efforts of the Korean government to treat gaming addiction through family counseling and an addiction rescue camp, and recommend practical suggestions for parents who can treat and prevent gaming addiction at home.


digital games, computer games, gaming addiction, addiction treatment, Korea

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