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Hydropower Energy Source Combining with Other Renewables in the Teritory of Kosova
Zekirija Idrizi1, Isak Idrizi2 and Kujtim Zena1
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1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hasan Prishtina University, Prishinë 10000, Kosova;
2. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Mother Teresa University, Shkup 1000, Macedonia
With the continuous growing
of population and the economical needs in the Balkan region, as in the whole
world, the need for new energy resources is getting more reasonable than ever.
Considering the nowadays exponential growth in development of the renewable
energy sources, in this paper, a comparison of the hydropower energy capacities
with the wind and solar energy sources, in the territory of Kosova is generally
presented. Today, the territory
of Kosova, has 1,513 MW installed capacity
of electricity, which is generated from two thermo-power plants KOSOVA A and
KOSOVA B. This energy generation capacity is proved to be insufficient for meeting the entire electricity needs of the 2 million
population and the overall economical development. In this paper, a specific
attention is given to the electricity generation by the renewable energy
sources as the wind and hydropower. A specific emphasis is given to the combination of hydropower with wind
power, in Kosova, as a optimal solution for the generation of the renewable
energy sources. In this paper, a concrete idea for combining the ZHUR hydro-powerplant
system with the numerous wind turbines is given, which could be placed in the near zone of this
hydropower-plant. In combination, these electricity regenerators would promise
a more reliable energy source, and contribute to the fulfilment of the overall
electricity requirements of Kosova.
Hydropower, wind turbines, renewable energy, Zhur Hydropower plant.
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