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An Analysis of Power Desire of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello From Psychological Perspectives
Hind Abdullah Alkoli, Shi Ji
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Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
This study aims to investigate how powerful desires controlling and influence the play’s characters. In particularly Iago’s Power is probably the most important motive. Iago employed to manipulate Othello. It is clearly seen that Iago thrived in power because he loves manipulating people so that they do what he says. Othello indicates the power of desires, love and jealousy. The purpose of this study is to obtain a deeper understanding and analyze the character’s power and how Shakespeare used Iago’s power desires? To cause the tragic downfall Othello by using the psychological approaches. Shakespeare’s tragedies’ characters motivated by the power desires. Shakespeare shows that the human need, feelings, emotions and passions or desires may lead their owners to be mad if they surrender to them to go beyond the limits. This paper looks how Shakespeare shows the humanism by describing Iago’s desires in his play, Othello the most notable tragedies.
Shakespeare’s Othello, desires of power, psychology approaches
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