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Winter cereals are cultivated in order to produce grain for food and feed, green forage and haylage for cattle. The objectives of this study are to assay the production and chemical characteristics bromatological of winter cereal forages. The factorial arrangement of treatments 5 × 2 (5 cultivars and two cutting heights—low 7-10 cm and 20 cm from the soil surface) harvested when the grain was at the dough stage. Genetic materials tested were rye BRS Serrano, wheat BRS Umbu and BRS Pastoreio, triticale BRS Saturno, barley BRS Aliensa and Brevis oats BRS Centauro. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replications. The assay carried out to forage, BRS Centauro showed oat forage yield higher than the other genotypes. Barley BRS Aliensa stood out for DMD (dry matter digestibility) and CP (crude protein) for the two tested cutting heights. BRS Pastoreio wheat had lower NDF (neutral detergent fiber) concentration than BRS Serrano rye.


Cellular content, assay, physiologic, production, forage.

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