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Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China


The cultural crisis is an inevitable process for any nation and country in the process of modernization. But the crisis is not terrible. With the cultural conflict, it contributes to integration and regeneration. Therefore, when Western learning spread to the East, which means the tradition turns to the modernization, the Eastern learning also spreaded to the West, which means using traditional approaches to solve the problems of modernization. The key to this problem is to construct a new cultural value system that meets the needs of modernization and the future society in the clash and crisis of culture. Chinese should be more confident in meeting foreign culture nowadays. There is no need to be afraid of the mingling of gold and sand, let alone the loss of national unique quality. In an era of reconstruction of the world order, China needs a globalized cultural narrative to rebuild the position of China and Asia in the world’s cultural history and retrieve the lost position of Chinese culture. To this end, we can learn from nutrients of history and culture, establish self-confidence.


traditional culture, inherit, transcendence, cultural awareness, cultural self-confidence

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