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Shanghai University, Shanghai, China


This study, within the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, aims to explore how culture represents language, causing cultural differences between the East and the West. With a set of questions, a qualitative method is employed to collect the data in this study. By examining the 189 theoretical studies and investigating cultural and linguistic features, this study will show how culture influences culture and language, while the content analysis is completely excluded due to the limited time and space. The data will be analyzed in light of the critical discourse analysis showing how social subjects are constructed in various discourses with their personal terms. A historical change between the East and the West is the return of the ancient Silk Roads at the early 21st century. Social changes can be seen when studying their cultural relations. Language is easily abstracted from culture. Both claim special reality of what they are. This article clearly explains how the discourse in the Chinese Western cultural relations generally reflects the social practice, the ideology, and power relations in social structures in which various discourses were published at the time of reporting. Finally, English and Chinese belong to two different language families representing linguistic differences. This makes learning English a serious challenge for Chinese native speakers.


critical discourse analysis, Chinese Western culture, Silk Road, representation

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