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University of Western Macedonia, Florina, Greece


Mimis Souliotis, who was a poet, belongs to the lyrical generation of the 70’s, a typically “urban”, literary period in the sense that poetry is part of a neo-realist framework along the lines of its great ancestors, Cavafy and Karyotakis. M. Souliotis deviates from the “urban poetry” of his prominent fellow-craftsmen. Despite of his having been brought up and nurtured in big cities (Athens, Thessaloniki), his poetry has northwestern coordinates and focuses on Florina, his long-term domicile. As part of the northwest region of the Balkanian Macedonia, Florina is the main spacial work stream of his poetry, a reference field that is not only geographical but also deeply historical and existential. The provincial heartland of the Balkanian Macedonia enlarges upon his work repeatedly∙either as a geophysical landscape and as a river network, or as a climatic reality, as a historical reference and cultural tradition at times and, more often than not, as a linguistic impact, provided that there are several Slavic place names in his poetry. The Balkanian province is neither M. Soulioti’s nostalgic reminiscence nor a painful flashback and, simultaneously, a redeeming feature in the past. It is nothing but his vividly experienced era, across his whole space-time fluidity. The ubiquitous use of rural area in M. Soulioti’s poetry is not either a sightseeing “aspect” or a self- governed geographic entity but pure History and Language. He is interwoven with historical experiences and linguistic idioms from The Dust of Time∙an ontology and existence, not bound to national geographical lines. It is a perpetual and indissoluble Balkan anthropology experienced as part of an everyday reality. 


Souliotis, Balkan poetry

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