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University of Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona, USA


Many businesses and organizations can operate in fast changing environments, which meets the high market demands and stakeholder needs. These successful organizations can adapt to everyday changes in the business climate, based on organizational effectiveness, performance, and good strategic planning. Organizations that have failed have done so because of a lack of a good system design in place. Organizational factors such as the changing business climate, labor trends, diminishing stakeholder interests, and lack of organizational value creation to improving current structures to meet the needs are some examples of why organizations may fail. “System is defined as a set of elements arranged in an orderly manner to accomplish an objective. System, is not a randomly arranged set. It is arranged with some logic governed by rules, regulations, principles, and policies. Such an arrangement is also influenced by the objective the system desires to achieve. Systems are created to solve problems” (Deepak, 2011, para. 1). This paper examines the contextual and cultural factors and stakeholders on systems design and management in organizations by exploring the different major stakeholder group interests that shape the design that is appropriate for a management system.


system design, management analysis, organizational management, leadership

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