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South China Business College, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China


The Chinese translation for international legal instruments is an indispensable part in national political and economic fields. Apart from legal terminology, the syntactical features of international legal instruments also deserve study. They are easy to be seen in the use of some typical sentence patterns, such as long and complex sentence structures, passive voice and provisos or conditional clauses. Based on the parallel English-Chinese international conventions, this paper mainly evaluates the current Chinese translation and summarizes the use frequency and translation strategies for the conditional clause patterns. From the perspective of memetics, sentence patterns can be units of imitation, and the summary of and comments on them and their Chinese translation will promote the transmission across culture and help a legal translator improve his/her expertise, which will eventually be good for successful cooperation in international business.


 legal translation, conditional clause patterns, memetics, parallel English-Chinese international conventions

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