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Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior CUN, Bogotá D.C., Colombia


The Colombian armed conflict has been represented in several films that have exposed the complexity of the problem. In this scenario forced displacement is a recurring theme. Based on this reality began a process of investigation that took as a starting point the revision of 160 synopsis of national films and 10 foreigners that had thematic violence in Colombia. The intention was to determine in which films the victim was represented by displacement and in what way. The method was an exploratory—descriptive documentary review. For the analysis, the concepts of Collective Imagination, Social Depiction and Semi-Imaginary Reality were taken as corpus. As a general conclusion, it is exposed that the representation of the victim in the national cinema is determined by the topics of Violence and Displaced Person that have varied in parallel according to the Colombian historical conjuncture. These configurations show the subject as a body transformed by the struggle of political powers


Colombia, cinema, diaspora, imaginary, representations

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