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Tsukuba Clinic for Mental Sick Children & Adolescents, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan
Japan Music-Care Association, Ishikawa, Japan
Japan Music-Care Association, Ishikawa, Japan Tsukuba Clinic for Mental Sick Children & Adolescents, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are categorized as neurodevelopmental disorders by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). ASD, which is frequently comorbid with ADHD, is characterized by difficulties with communication, behavior, and/or social interaction. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders often have a developmental coordination disorder owing to impaired cerebellar function, which has been shown to cause difficulties with physical balance. It is very difficult for such children to ride a tricycle or bicycle, turn a skipping rope, and go down a flight of stairs. Owing to the cerebellar dysfunction, some children with neurodevelopmental disorders exhibit poor physical balance, which may affect their behavior or social interactions in all situations. Specifically, children with ADHD tend to have a small cerebellar size. Therefore, we considered it necessary to train their cerebellar function as soon as possible, and hypothesized that their physical balance may gradually improve, leading to some positive effects on their behavior and/or social interaction. Thaut suggested that music therapy is effective in improving cerebellar function. Therefore, we think that it may be useful for treating a developmental coordination disorder through the stimulation of the cerebellum. We have been using the “medical music-care therapy” method in our clinic since 2015. This new method is a group therapy conducted with mothers and infants. Further, it is also effective in identifying neurological deficits, particularly related to cerebellar function, which are evident from other assessments, such as the finger-nose test, standing on one-foot test, tandem gait test, and diadochokinesis test. This new method combines training and evaluation, and is useful to improve the self-esteem of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. We wish to draw attention to the benefits of medical music-care therapy, and thereby recommend its use for managing neurodevelopmental disorders.


medical music-care therapy, children, neurodevelopmental disorders, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder

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