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Yanbian University, Yanji, China


Mr. Yin Huanxian is the first one who wrote article “Discussion on the Criterion of Words’ Written Forms” in 1962. After the publishing of the article, Gao Gengsheng proposed the concept of “heterographs”. For decades, a great many articles are published and ardent discussions involved in are holden. These articles mainly refer to the subject character of sorting out heterographs, the definition of heterographs, the classifying of heterographs as well as the way and principles of heterographs’ criterion. Chinese Northeast dialect is one of the basic dialects in mandarin. With the development of the society, the influence of Northeast dialect is expanding. Because of its humorous and straightforward features, Chinese Northeast dialect was recognized and loved by more and more people. However, a large number of heterographs are produced in the formation of Northeast dialect. After inspecting, they are divided into three conditions on the whole, including homophones, dialectal heterographs and Yixu Heterographs, which are in the same word element but different order in it. Based on the concept and connotation, this paper focuses on studying, collecting and summarizing the “heterographs” in Chinese Northeast dialect, and describing the meaning of the standardization research of heterographs in Chinese Northeast dialect.


heterographs, Northeast dialect, conditions, factors

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