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Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia


In contrast to so-called Auger process resulting in electron ejection from oxygen atom of water molecule under X-ray absorption, the coupling of the opposite charges in liquid water leads to polaronic exciton formation. As a result, polaronic exciton stabilized by the structure of water tetrahedron can serve as the reaction center for deuterium creation under X-ray absorption. In this case, X-ray emission spectra of H2O and D2O give a clue for the deciphering of the events followed by X-ray photon absorption. It appears to be that spin-orbit interaction under proton sharing and the interaction between LO (longitudinal optical) phonon and bipolaron in the excited state are responsible for the energy levels determining neutrino energy. The energy gap between the levels with p↓↑e and p↓↓e spin configurations of proton and electron is found to be 325.51 cm–1 in the case of the spin-orbit interaction in polaronic exciton, while 1,556.054 cm–1 under LO phonon interaction with the proton of the bipolaron producing the change of the nucleus spin direction to the opposite.


Water X-ray emission, polaronic exciton, Compton wavelength, neutrino.

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