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1. Department of Biochemistry of Physiologically Active Compounds, Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences RU, Tashkent 100128, Uzbekistan
2. Faculty of Technology of Foodstuff Products, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent 100011, Uzbekistan


Inhibitors of pancreatic α-amylase offer an effective strategy to lower the levels of postprandial hyperglycemia by control of starch breakdown. Among 86 fungal endophytes isolated from 15 medicinal plants Aspergillus terreus-AF104S, Aspergillus egypticus-HT166S and Penicillium sp.-CC200 exhibited strong pancreatic amylase inhibitory potential were selected. Endophytes were subjected to ethyl acetate extraction and tested for α-amylase inhibition, in order to assess and evaluate their inhibitory potential on pancreatic α-amylase. Analysis showed concentration dependent enzyme inhibition up to 83% with half inhibition (IC50) values for less 25 mg×mL-1, which is lower than acarbose as control. It was observed 3-fold increasing of Vmax and maintenance Km at control level in the presence of extracts A. terreus-AF104S and Penicillium sp.-CC200, while in presence of extract A. egypticus-HT166S Km was doubled, and Vmax was maintained at the control level. Kinetic studies allow proposing the competitive mode of α-amylase inhibition by extracts A. egypticus-HT166S and uncompetitive inhibition by extracts A. terreus-AF104S and Penicillium sp.-CC200.


Endophytic fungi, medicinal plants, α-amylase, bio-active natural products, inhibitory activity.

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