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1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Mother Teresa University, Shkup 1000, Macedonia;
2. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hasan Prishtina University, Prishinë 10000, Kosova


Estimation of shear strength and other mechanical characteristics of masonry wall panels through experimental research is the most reliable analysis approach. However, considering all the difficulties in performing experimental research, material costs, laboratory preparations and time expenses, it is not difficult to conclude that this approach is also not the most rational. Aside from experimental investigations, advanced analytical methods are considered cheaper and practical, which can approximately describe the mechanical behavior of masonry walls. The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate how advanced analytical methods, based on discrete and applied element methods, are capable of estimating, in close approximation, the realistic behavior of masonry walls. The use of advanced analysis methods for determination of the behavior of full-scaled masonry walls (with and without openings), avails the inclusion of infill masonry walls on the processes of modeling, analysis and design of building structures, without the need of extensive experimental investigations. This would result in achieving more approximate analytical building models in respect to their realistic behavior and ultimately achieve better optimization of structural design.


URM (unreinforced masonry wall) wall, discrete methods, advanced analysis, numerical modeling.

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