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The proof of three different nova or supernova debris streams impacting the planet and causing global warming is shown by studying the effects, locations, and timings for specific thermal and destructive events in the northern and southern hemisphere. Global warming is not manmade and reducing fossil fuel emissions is not the solution to protect the populations of different countries from catastrophic events due to increased thermal energy storage for the planet. The burning of atoms of incoming debris streams from exploding stars produces energy and greenhouse gases that cause the average temperature of our planet to increase. India is the current hotspot due to the location of the deflected western terminus of SN 1006. Hotspots occur that are not as obvious as the India case, but melting sea ice exposes the debris streams’ hotspot activities. The incoming momentum of a debris stream can displace a large amount of polar atmosphere upon impact causing unusually extreme freezing conditions at lower latitudes like the year without a summer of 1812. The third tine of Satan’s pitchfork known as high sea surface temperatures indicating El Nino is located directly between the north and south hotspots and occurs during initial high particle densities related to impact of the debris stream.


Warming, global, supernova, nova, tornado, ice, meteor, shower.

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