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Plastic Surgery Department, Emergency District Hospital, Ploiesti 100097, Romania


Except for its benefits as food and medicine, honey has been used since ancient times as an external remedy in wound care, and has been the subject of numerous studies and research, that reveal its complex favorable action for wound healing. Based on scientific research and clinical studies published in literature, this work presents these various properties and therapeutic activities of honey dressings. Next, actions and clinical effects of L-Mesitran range of dressings, based on medicinal honey and authorized European Union (EU) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have been highlighted in a case series of patients in the Department of Plastic Surgery, Emergency District Hospital of Ploiesti, Romania, by monitoring the clinical local evolution of burns and other wounds. L-Mesitran range of products is based on the combination of medicinal honey and other ingredients, such as hypoallergenic medicinal lanolin, vitamins C and E. These sterilized preparations were applied for various skin lesions after wound cleansing, and exerted a favorable action on healing of burns and other wounds, sometimes in combination with surgical treatment, being applied in these cases before or after surgery. Further clinical studies are needed to establish the best indications, methods and forms of administration for each type of wounds, as well as the selection over other types of dressings.


Medicinal honey, L-Mesitran, burns, efficiency, wound healing.

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