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Department of Underground and Mining Construction, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi 100803, Vietnam


Microtunnelling operations do not reach the highest possible productivity due to influences by different soil compositions. Hence, there is a need for a better understanding of the construction process and of those factors influencing productivity. The efficiency of MTBM (microtunnel boring machine) will be increased by that knowledge. In the paper, a flexible simulation module is developed. It helps to analyze the processes and to identify the influence of different soil compositions on the productivity of microtunnelling operations. In view of these objectives, a model describing the microtunnelling process for an actual project at the city of Recklinghausen, Germany is created by using CYCLONE methodology. Subsequently, the WebCYCLONE is applied to execute the CYCLONE model in order to get the results. It helps to analyze and identify the influence of different soil compositions on the productivity of tunnel construction with microtunnelling in the job-site.


MTBM, microtunnelling operations, WebCYCLONE; CYCLONE model.

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