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José António Filipe, Assistant Professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira, Full Professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
José Chavaglia Neto, Ph.D. Student, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Manuel Coelho, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Maria Isabel Pedro, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.


Nowadays, countries are fighting more than ever for international investments, and they have to provide interesting conditions for companies. Many international companies recognized China as very competitive place to install their factories. Often companies are now considering that the reduced costs (principally wages) in China are not anymore so attractive as before. These companies are returning back from China, finding domestically low wage costs making many investments interesting in their countries. An analysis of this new international scenario is made in this paper as much as a perspective for the future and the implications resulting from companies’ investment movements.


China, USA, competitive advantages, international investments, political risks

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