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Department of History, University of Yangon, Yangon 11181, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar


This research is conducted with the aim of investigating the culture of Lisu ethnic tribe in Myanmar, the area of study which has been unexplored. This research paper deals with good historical evidence of Lisu ethnic group in the circle of Lolo Ethnic group during the 9th century A.D. They lived in their own states in the regions such as Bhamo, Putao and Loilin. Therefore, the tribes are named after their respective regions, such as Bhamo Lisu and Loilin Lisu. They were in the north, holding strong power in Yunnan Province called Nan-Chao. Their prestige remained for as long as their traditions, their own religion and their dressing (costume) and the way they earn their living, culture and literature aspiring national faith of Lisu.


Culture, religion, ethnic, tribe, social.

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