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National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan


Nowadays, the competitiveness of college student recruitment and the increasing challenge of college fund-raising have made students’ quality of life (QoL) a priority in many universities, in addition to their pursuit of high quality education. This study investigates the effect of QoL on college learning among the Chinese university students at the National Quemoy University, Taiwan, using a questionnaire and interview techniques. The quantitative data collected reveals that the 311 randomly selected college participants perceived a 70.5% influence of QoL on their learning and academic growth on a scale of 0 to 100. Furthermore, the qualitative data collected shows that the students perceived QoL as crucial to their learning and academic achievements, and that multiple life facets––such as quality of sleep or diet, peer relationships, or time management––interacted in influencing their learning. It is thus suggested that educational programs, resources, and relevant decisions are made to further advance the well-being of said college students. This study has significant implications for classroom teaching practice and higher education administration.


quality of life, Chinese students, college learning, administration

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