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University of sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


The research topic is summarized in the importance of studying the uses of smart tablets in the educational process. It attempts to observe the attitudes and perspectives of users due to the importance of smart tablets in the educational process, getting introduced to the type of smart tablets used by students in the educational process, defining students’ perspectives towards using smart tablets in the educational process, defining the extent of benefit gained by students as a result of using smart tablets in developing the skills of education and learning, defining students’ attitudes towards using smart tablets in the educational process and defining students’ perspectives towards the disadvantages of using smart tablets in the educational process. This study is considered as one of the descriptive studies, which aim at collecting data relevant to the usage of university students – sample of study – for the smart tablets and their attitudes towards using them in the educational process, as well as studying some variables related to usage; such as gender, social status, educational stage etc. This study depends on the survey approach as being considered an organized scientific effort that is used for obtaining information or descriptions on the phenomenon, subject matter. The study concluded that the sample of study agreed on the necessity of enabling Arab universities to encourage students to use more techniques in classrooms, and teaching curricula by using smart tablets since this will help in developing the communicational skills of university students. Moreover, they agreed on teaching most of the media curricula through social media. 


prospectives educational process, educational via mopile, wiereless communication

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