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Pedagogic Psychological Service, Norway; Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Norway; Bodø Family Counseling, Norway; Outpatient Clinic for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Norway;


Classics of literature and science may characteristically be read anew outside their time and interest area, giving birth to new insights. Jane Addams is one such classic author. Her writings can be read as classic texts that educate readers in the discipline of social work, among other things. Her impact on the beginnings of modern social work is foundational. She contributed to radical changes on basis of thought, understanding, and practice in the field. Many have read her texts and written about her, resulting in multiple perspectives. The authors will highlight some relevant areas ripe to be re-examined in our time.


Social work history, migration, democracy, tacit knowledge, narratives

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Sociology Study, April 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, 223-233


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