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Federal University of Maranhão State, Brazil


The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Família—BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to articulate the monetary income transfer with some structural policies, mainly education, health, and work. The BF has already reached almost 14 million of families and is implemented in all the 5,545 Brazilian municipalities, i.e. about ¼ of the Brazilian population. The program requires the fulfillment of some conditionalities in the field of education and health, such as: enrollment and attendance of the children and adolescents in school; children must get basic health care; and pregnant women must receive prenatal care. The BF is considered in Brazil, according to Eduardo Suplicy’s Law Bill 266/2001 sanctioned by President Lula on January 8 of 2004, as the first step towards creating a Citizenship Basic Income. The goal of this proposal is to present and to problematize the recent political and economic post Lula and Dilma Administrations situation in order to demonstrate the climate of regression in the social protection programs and the dismantling of the same social rights already conquered by the worker class and the poor population. Among the programs to be mentioned is the BF. The intention is to highlight the economic situation of a long recession and rise in unemployment rates besides the decrease of the workers’ income and the repression of social movements, in order to develop an analysis of the BF in this context.


Family stipend, income transfer programs, Brazil

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Sociology Study, April 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, 179-194


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