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OWTs (offshore wind turbines) are currently considered as a reliable source of renewable energy. OWT support structures account for 20%-25% of the capital cost for offshore wind installations. Pre-feasibility studies involving estimation of preliminary dimensions of the wind turbine structure need to be performed for initial costing to arrive at the commercial viability of the project. The main objective of the paper is to obtain preliminary configuration for commercial viability and approximate sizing of the foundation pile. Design equations and nomograms are proposed for quick preliminary design of monopile founded wind turbines located offshore of Gujarat. Parametric studies are carried-out on various configurations of a hollow monopile by varying water depths and properties of sand. A nonlinear static analysis of substructure is performed considering aerodynamic forces and hydrodynamic forces for various structural and soil parameters. The sub-structure design of wind turbine is based on API (American petroleum institute) standards. A simplified design methodology for monopile support structure under extreme loading condition is presented based on multivariable linear regression analysis. The input variables for the regression analysis are hydrodynamic data, angle of internal friction of sand, and the output variables are length and outer diameter of monopile. This simplified methodology is applicable in pre-studies of wind power parks.


OWT, support structures, monopile, regression analysis, nomogram.

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