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Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey
Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey


Within the Turkish education system, at any level, the field that students most often fail and are intimidated by is mathematics, and consequently numeric courses such as statistics.The prejudice towards mathematics, similar to a self-realizing prophecy, leads to failure. It is unrealistic to assume mathematics teachers have no role in the formation of such prejudices. Therefore, the metaphorical perceptions of candidate mathematics teachers on their field are significant.The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions on mathematics and mathematics teaching through metaphors of candidate secondary school mathematics teachers, studying bachelor’s degree in mathematics in the Education Faculty. In line with this aim, it has been examined through which metaphors the candidate teachers perceive the concepts of mathematics and mathematics teaching and any variations in their perceptions by gender, age, class, department and other demographic features. The study utilized a semi-structure survey form as data collection tool. The form used in the study comprises two sections with demographic variables and requiring participants to complete the sentences “Mathematics is like…, because…” and “Mathematics teaching is like…, because…”. The study data have been attained from the written statements of students on the concepts of mathematics and mathematics teaching. Metaphorical content analysis techniques have been utilized to process the study data.The study firstly summarizes the data in frequency and percentage charts. The relations between perceptions on the concepts of mathematics and mathematics teaching as well as similarities and differences thereof have been analyzed.The sample group in the study consists of the students in Trakya University, Education Faculty, Mathematics Teaching Department and the Faculty of Sciences, Mathematics Department during the 2016-2017 academic year.


mathematics, teaching, metaphor, concept, perception

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