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Institute of Public Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


A balanced scorecard (BSC) is ideally created through a shared understanding and translation of an organisation’s strategy into objectives, measures, targets, and initiatives in each of four scorecard perspectives. However, BSC implementation is not without challenges. This study is an exploratory investigation into the BSC implementation and the critical factors addressed in the real world. This research attempts to investigate the critical success factors (CSFs) of BSC implementation in organisations that have already implemented it. A survey research method based on quantitative technique was used, with a sample size of 250 candidates from five organisations. The study identifies 10 main critical factors that must be carefully considered in BSC implementation to achieve a successful project. This study highlights that BSC perspectives, top management support, the BSC team, clear mission, and strategy were viewed as the most critical success factors. The choice of perspectives for the organisation’s BSC must adhere to what is necessary to execute the strategy and create a competitive advantage for the organisation. The BSC measures must be linked to the strategic objectives of the organisation. The BSC team has to be supported continuously by top management to enable them to sustain and maintain the BSC.


balanced scorecard, performance measurement, critical success factors, BSC implementation, strategy development, case study

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