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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia


This purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of multisensory instruction in enhancing the achievement of a group of primary school students with developmental dyscalculia (DD). A module based on multisensory teaching approach was developed to help the students in solving problems involving subtraction between 0 and 10 using a five-phase ADDIE instructional design. This study answers two research questions: (i) What is the students’ achievement level before and after intervention using module based on multisensory approach? (ii) Is there any significant difference before and after intervention using module based on multisensory approach? Quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design was employed for the present study. Intervention based on the module was carried out for four weeks with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each. Participants include 18 students aged between 10-12 years old from four public schools in Malaysia. Results indicated significant progress with large effect size in acquiring basic subtraction skill. This study revealed that with appropriate teaching method, students with DD are able to succeed in solving mathematics problems involving subtraction.


mathematics learning difficulties, developmental dyscalculia, subtraction, multisensory teaching approach, module, intervention

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