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Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey Master, Turkey


This study aims to examine the relations between languages of antiquity and some words in Homer’s epics, Iliad and Odyssey, that are considered the first written texts and important in terms of the richness of Greek vocabulary. Although the words in Homeric epics carry a value for ancient Anatolia, there are no studies in this field in our country. For this purpose, with the help of words we have, we will focus on: (a) bond of these words with Hittite, partially (b) some archaic qualities for some Latin words, developed later and also continued of some ground and phrases in the everyday life in the same region for centuries on the language of the people depending on the oral transmission. At the end of the study, we will discuss the changes of the words in philological level as well as in terms of the letter, sounds and meaning by used words in Homer’s epics as will be explained in this study. 


Homer, words, linguistic bonds, archaic marks, today marks

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