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Henan University, Henan, China


As the world advances, more and more people begin to learn Chinese as a second language (CSL). In the course of teaching CSL, the author finds that although the senior students have a certain ability to express in Chinese, there are still various problems in their output. Among the problems, the text cohesion is one of the most prominent. Therefore, in this paper, the author analyzes the errors of CSL learners in the use of conjunctional cohesion devices, which are roughly divided into four types, namely, parallel relationship, temporal succession, causal relationship, and reversal relationship. The causes of the errors are discussed, too. Finally, the author puts forward the corresponding teaching and learning suggestions, such as teaching the learners to learn the thinking mode of Chinese, cultivating the learners’ contextual concept, comparing similarities and differences between mother-tongue and Chinese, and strengthening the practical training for the learners to use cohesive devices.


learning Chinese as second language (CSL), conjunction, cohesion, errors

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