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United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE


After the era of globalization, religious diversity increases in most of the countries all over the world. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to discuss the necessity of teaching pupils about the different religions at schools in order for increasing their religious awareness about their own religion as well as improving their sensitivity towards other religions. Hence, such awareness and sensitivity may contribute to open the channels of dialogue among the new generations and prevent more violence from happening, as a result. In doing so, it will display the level of religious diversity around the world and the number of expected religious groups by 2050 as found by Pew Research Center (2015). It will also briefly review the Islamic principles that are related to dealing with other religious groups. Moreover, it will present possible ways of how multiple religions can be taught in schools in order to transform pupils from religiocentric phases to religiorelative stages.


UAE schools, postmodern era, globalization, diversity, religions, extremist groups, Islamic principles, tolerance

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