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Cal State University, Northridge, USA


The main purpose of this paper looks to examine notable inconsistencies in language and practice between production practices in film, television, Internet and related production models. The disconnect between actual production practices and how they are describedis notably affected by advances in technology. Furthermore, practitioners insider language usage, and a lack of understanding between process verses exhibition contributes to the divide within theory and practice of these models. By inspecting how traditional entertainment content is physically produced, making comparisons with the most common production models, the realms of production practices and terminology bring clarity and consistency. The language distinction illuminates any production process and is certainly critical for the producer responsible for putting together an experienced crew to shoot the project and vice versa concerning anyone looking for a job in those communities. Content creation for public consumption is expensive to produce, thus requires experienced people who must perform specific tasks on time and on budget, achieving entertainment goals and bringing in a profitable return. Understanding this information about production models is vital to the student or anyone preparing to be a part of the entertainment community. 


film production, television production, single camera production, Internet production

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