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Legal transplants have been used to improve national legal systems and advance a homogeneous and ordered global legal networks. As is the case in the petroleum sector which is home to numerous legal transplants where, laws, contracts, and regulations move from one place to another. Notably, the early consideration for legal transplants within the petroleum sector was predominantly based on promoting national legal frameworks which eventually developed to a global legal framework also known as Lex Petrolea. Importantly, while legal transplants promote similar global, objectives, considerable caution must be applied on how best to proceed “before and after the fact”; as legal rules relating to matters of national interests cannot be transplanted without careful analysis of the operation mechanics and legal aspects of rule. This must be done through the lenses of both countries where the law originates and the countries in which it is supposedly meant to operate despite similarities in legal structures. Substantial discussion needs to be conducted from both the donor and the recipient countries to identify whether both countries, face similar social problems capable of being resolved by these rules, and that the rules and mechanics will function in the same manner in both countries, then only can the said rules be transplanted. This article discusses transplant of local content requirements from Norway to Nigeria.


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