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Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority, Centurion, South Africa


With the aim of drawing valuable lessons for the management and planning of similar business transformation initiatives, this paper critically evaluates a change project at an organization in South Africa, from three inter-woven dimensions: creating the climate for change, engaging and enabling the organization, and sustaining change. Firstly, a key achievement demonstrates that attempts to create a conducive climate for change should recognize that the unit of change in any organization is, ultimately, the individual. Levers for such initiatives should navigate the macro-organizational change narrative and translate change generalities into specific individual actions and behaviors. Secondly, learning from an implementation gap, similar efforts would gain better traction in engagement and empowerment by leveraging on an influential cross-functional team made up of enthusiastic supporters of the required change, to foster ownership and to embrace change across the organization. Key characteristics that should be represented on the team include leadership skills, expertise, credibility, effective communication, and a sense of urgency. Thirdly, in terms of sustaining change, twin lessons surge to the fore. On a positive note, by progressing its values-set into an annual staff award, there is a pointer to the potential of innovatively encouraging and rewarding employees to live the value qualities. And, on the flip side, a need is underscore of the critical role of seamless executive leadership, providing ongoing co-creating windows for instilling positive attitudes and creating synergies among related strategic initiatives.


organizational leadership, South Africa, sustaining change, TCTA

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