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The research for sustainable poverty reduction for Khmer ethnic people in Tra Vinh province was conducted by the use of statistic approach, the current situation of poor households of Khmer ethnic people in Tra Vinh province, the interview with 300 Khmer households living in seven districts and cities of Tra Vinh province. Research findings show that there are a number of factors affecting the income of Khmer households, including the career of householders, the level of education, the ratio of dependants, living experience of the householders, the land square area, people’s participation in different festivals; the number of household members, the number of activities for income and the gender of the householders. Of all the factors, occupation, level of education, and the ratio of dependants are considered to have the biggest influence on the income of Khmer ethnic people in Tra Vinh province.


income, career, Khmer ethnic people, level of education

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