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Puebla Autonomous University, Puebla, Mexico
Iberoamericana University, Puebla, Mexico


Learning at school might be considered as an example of collective joint activity, in which pupils conform and acquire different motives. Different types of motives were identified: external and internal. External motives are related to external needs of activity, such as school marks or stimulation of learning by permission of attractive objects with no relation to cognition. Internal motives are related to cognitive needs, when the pupils are really interested and motivated by the content of school matters. The motives of activity of school learning were never studied in Latin America. The objective of this study is to propose the qualitative way of assessment of the sphere of motives by specifically organized interview and creation of interactive drawings by pupils. The study was accomplished in a small private school in the city of Puebla, Mexico, with the pupils of the third grade of primary school. The results indicate that internal motives help to guarantee positive emotional relation of children to school and create the interest for learning process. External motives might be divided into three groups: motives, which support the learning process, motives, which are indifferent to the learning process, and motives, which become serious obstacles for cognition. The results help to understand emotional and cognitive difficulties and conflicts, which accompany children in the period of learning at primary school. Reflective consideration of differences of motives in learning activity may become one of the paths for qualitative modification of social communication and organization of teaching process in modern school.


motivation, school learning, development of personality, school age, motives of learning, development of motives

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