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Kanpur Urology Centre, Kanpur 208012, India


Introduction: Nephrolithiasis is quite common in this part of the world.In the metabolic workup Uric acid and Calcium assay are important. Calcium & Uric acid lithiasis accounts for significant number of cases. But, the values given as reference do not seem to apply in tropical countries like India. We tried to analyse the values of Serum Calcium & Uric acid in both normal healthy individuals and those with calculus disease in out patient department. Material and methods: The study was conducted in outpatient department wherein Serum Uric acid, Calcium & Phosphorus levels were assessed in fasting state in all patients irrespective of age and sex in the period Jan. 2010- June 2015. A total of 9887 patients with stone disease were kept in Group A and 8967 patients with other diseases in group B who acted as control, were enrolled for the study. The demographic profile was recorded and associated metabolic disorders were also documented. Patients with associated features of bony pains and gout were also specified. Result: The Uric acid levels in the control group B were quite lower than the reference values in either sex. However, the values were more than 6 mg/dl in nephrolithiasis group A. The S.Calcium levels of control in group B were significantly lower than the reference value and patients with nephrolithiasis in group A also had hypocalcemia. Conclusion: Nephrolithiasis is a metabolic disorder with majority of patients having higher Uric acid levels with hypocalcemia in our population.The normal values in control group is on the lower side of reference value which could be due to variation on account of climatic, dietary and geographical factors. It needs broader studies to redefine reference values of Uric acid and Calcium in tropical countries like India.


Urolithiasis, uric acid, metabolic disorder, Calcium, gout, tropical countries hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia.

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