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Oral Pathology Department, Syrian Private University, Damascus 13203, Syria


Objective: to investigate the clinicopathologic characters of salivary glands tumors in Damascus, Syria. Material and methods: a retrospective study on salivary glands tumors diagnosed at Almoasat hospital, the main hospital in Damascus, from 2009 to 2016. We measured the data related to patient age, gender, tumor site and the histopathologic diagnosis. Results: out of 158 cases over eight years, 62.2% was benign tumors, 9.4% was malignant tumors and 28.4% was inflammatory lesions. Pleomotphic adenoma was the most occurring tumor (47.7%), followed by Warthin tumor (30.9%) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (6.1%). Lesions in minor salivary glands compromised (11.03%). The peak ages of incidence were the third and fourth decades (38.35%). A slight predilection for females was observed. Conclusion: the results of this study are similar to the previous studies in other countries. However differences were observed as to the frequencies of histopathologic types. These differences could be attributed to racial factor and the latest five years of war in Syria.


Salivary glands lesions, Syria.

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