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American University of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon


Job satisfaction has been tested and proven as one of the factors that connect employees to their organization. Additionally, job satisfaction leads to better employee performance. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of financial rewards on job satisfaction and employee performance of the Blue Collar employees in the construction, contracting and printing industries in Lebanon. The data for this study were collected using self-administered questionnaires from 250 employees working in the construction contracting and printing sectors in Lebanon. The response rate was 52 percent (129 employees) after data screening; the data were analyzed using SPSS to describe the demographic profile of respondents and multiple linear regression analysis to test the relationship between variables. The hypotheses proposed to be tested through the research were verified. As expected, the results show a significant relationship between financial rewards and job satisfaction. Furthermore, job satisfaction bears positive relationship on employee performance. The organization should consider financial rewards as one of the factors in promoting job satisfaction that leads to employee performance among employees in the construction contracting and printing sectors.


Lebanon, financial reward, job satisfaction, employee performance

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