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Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan


Due to the importance of English written communication in the era of Internet, more and more colleges in Taiwan offer English writing courses for their students to enhance their competitiveness by way of good English writing ability. Literature on teaching ESL/EFL writing provides writing teachers with a lot of instructional ideas. The advent of computer later not only influences but also changes writing teachers’ ways of instruction. With the prevalence of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., nowadays, it seems that writing teachers do not lack instructional ideas because practitioners are willing to share their experiences on the forums. The author, however, thinks that teachers would appreciate suggestions for designing an integrated writing course instead of busy collecting scattered ideas all the time. Hence, following educational principles of syllabus design, L1 & L2 writing models, and research on computer-assisted writing, the author proposes a blended EFL writing course which integrates traditional classroom activities and technology. It is hoped that the attempt will provide some useful guidelines for EFL writing teachers who wish to integrate technology into their conventional writing courses.


EFL, blended learning, course design, computer-assisted English writing

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