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In the study and the research of the troposphere, the knowledge about its pressure variation on the height is necessary and important. Of course, exist the sounding to make this work, but not always it is possible to access to sounding data when is necessary, so then, it is important to has others alternatives methods in order to replace it. The troposphere is basically a fluid, susceptible to be studied under the fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of the ideals gases without loss generalities. So, it is possible to study of the atmospheric air like as a continuous perfect gas. These facts are important questions to study the troposphere under the laws and beginning Physics, using its respective equations, in order to get a theoretical model to simulate the behavior of its thermodynamics variables and parameters. Working on this line, it was developed a model in order to simulate the tropospheric pressure variation on the height from its measure on surface data.


Atmospherics pressure, tropospheric pressure.

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