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Jianghan University, Wuhan, China


Numerous barriers, including distance, language, culture, scale, and unfamiliar business practices obstruct cross-border trade between SME buyers and sellers. Alibaba’s cross-border electronic commerce (e-commerce) platform connects businesses, generating leads and quotations quicker than ever with request for quotation, or RFQ (request for quotation). The commercialization of RFQ market intensifies the competition between suppliers, which requests traditional enterprises to response more quickly and efficiently to improve their business. The purpose of this paper is to provide a case study of small OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) company using electronic commerce as part of their business strategy in, and how to improve its business on the platform by RFQ. The themes are clearly not unique to one company, but a part of a greater ecosystem that includes cross-border trade not only between SMEs, but also involves a multitude of companies and customers around the world.


cross-border e-commerce, RFQ, OEM

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